Finance Money

Buying Silver Coins: Three Things To Know

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If you are looking for unique ways to invest your money, purchasing silver coins can be a fun and profitable venture. However, you’ll want to make sure you know what is involved in the process so you can get the most for your money. Here are a few tips you can use when buying silver coins before you begin your investing adventure: Understand Market Prices Commodities, such as gold and silver, may have different values each day.…

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Buying A Home After A Short Sale: Is It Possible?

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Losing your home to a short sale can be devastating. It can be an upsetting time for any homeowner, and it is difficult to think about ever getting another mortgage. Although it is not a simple process, you will one day be able to get another mortgage even if you sell via short sale. Simply put, getting another mortgage is going to take some time, so patience is crucial. However, there are some things you can do in the meantime to get ready to buy your next home.…

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How Far Should You Go When Tracking Down The Source Of Credit Card Fraud?

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If you’ve had your credit card information stolen, leaked, or “skimmed” over the past few years, you’re already well aware of the hassle and expense that can come from trying to reverse any fraudulent charges and replace your card. Even more frustrating is the inability to pinpoint where your card was compromised–and therefore, how you can prevent a future such incident. Read on to learn more about some of the most common types of credit card fraud, as well as how far you can (or should) go when trying to determine the origin of your credit card leak.…

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First Time Dealing With Bid Bonds? 3 Tips That Will Help You Avoid Problems

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If you’re a small contractor trying to break into the world of government contract jobs, you’ll need to become familiar with bid bonds. Bid bonds are a way of proving that you’re serious about your work, and that you have the funds, and the backing to complete the job if your bid is accepted. If you’ve never been issued a bid bond before, here’s some information that will help you avoid problems with the process.…

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The Purpose Of Bail Bonds And Why You Should Be Careful

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When a judge allows for bail, it is not just money that gets your family member out of jail. You have to go to a bail bondsperson to secure a bail bond. Jails do not release prisoners on cash bail; you have to have a bond to present to the front desk. The court appearance bail bonds serve a purpose, but you should also be very careful when securing a bail bond for your family member.…

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3 Tips To Save Money On Phone Calls To An Inmate

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If you have a friend or family member in jail, you probably want to stay in touch as much as possible. For example, your loved one might call you from the jail on a regular basis. Even though you might be happy about being able to talk to your loved one, you might have noticed that the cost of jail phone calls can really add up. Luckily, following these tips can help you cut costs while still staying in touch:…

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Four Tips To Help You Get A Better Deal On A Used Car Loan

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Buying a used car is generally cheaper than buying a new car, but if you’re like most people, you still don’t have enough money set aside to buy a used car outright. So, you’ll need to look into financing your purchase. Many car dealerships, banks, and credit unions offer auto loans, but the rates can vary greatly. And while the difference between a 2% and 4% loan may sound negligible at first, it can add up to thousands of dollars over the life of your loan.…

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4 Benefits Of Setting Up A 529 Plan For Your Child's Education

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If you have children, now is the time to set up a 529 plan for your child. Even if your child is an infant, they are not too young to have their own 529 plan. A 529 plan is a great vehicle that will allow you to save for your child’s future and grow any money that you invest in the plan as well until your child is ready to use it.…

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Tips For How You Can Easily Sell Your Coin Collection

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If you have a nice coin collection that you would like to finally sell, you will want to spend some time thinking about the various ways you can sell it in order to make the most money. To help you decide which is the best route for you to take, you will want to review the following suggestions. Use An Auction Company There are many auction representation companies that can sell things for their clients either in person or online.…

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Payday Loans: Three Pitfalls To Avoid

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Payday loans are an option to cover unexpected expenses. For example, if you need your car to get to work, but it breaks down unexpectedly, a payday loan can help you cover the expense of the repair. These types of loans are meant for you to use when you’re in a pinch and need cash quick to cover a necessary expense. If you’re considering taking out a payday loan, here are three pitfalls to avoid.…

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